Ann Coulter on Gays

I'm really into Ann Coulter lately. Don't know how she gels with some of the other things I believe to be true, but I find her very interesting because I think she's sincere and she seems to really be well thought out. She's famous for being offensive, but if you watch her much you realize that she doesn't necessarily seek to offend but rather isn't afraid of facing head on the emotional side of arguments that keep people from looking at the real issues. I really really like her comments about gays and conservatives beginning at 18:30 in the clip below. I know a lot of gay people, and there's I've always been a good friend to them. But since gay marriage was brought up suddenly gays hate everyone that's not a democrat, especially Christians and even more so Mormons...So I'm public enemy number one all of a sudden, and I'm the most unbigoted unbiased person around in my opinion. She has some interesting insights...

Google held my blog hostage...

I had to give Google my phone number to get my blog back. They were holding it hostage. They asked me for my number about 50 times. Said no every time. Then finally they gave me this bs message about how something had gone wrong with my blog and the only way to fix it was to give them my phone number.
I'm really disgusted with the media and all the discussion and celebration of our wars and killing and how effective torture is. We should step back and listen to ourselves. The most depressing part of it all is that it's a big load of crap. I can't believe as a society we believe they killed the most wanted person on the face of the planet, but no one can see the body b/c we had to dump it in the ocean w/in 24 hours. How far fetched is that? It drives me nuts! Then on top of all that, Obama says he's not going to release pictures b/c conspiracy theorists won't believe them anyways. This is the worst story telling I've ever heard. And we all believe it! Were all screwed.
...the ignorant, while not the inventors of evil things, nevertheless are accomplices and contributors to evil.

"Not being aware of these facts,is in itself an evil because ignorance serves evil."

There's something funny going on around here...

You know, this is the thing...No human beings have ever lived like us before in known history. No organisms have ever lived like us before in known history or science. No country has ever succeeded before like ours in known history, no technology or access to knowledge has ever existed like it does now. Not ever in known history.

You can say, I don't believe in God, it's too far fetched. But the fact that you are existing right now at the top of the evolutionary food chain in every major category isn't very likely either, except that's what's really happening. You happen to be the most evolved creature living in the most evolved time in the most evolved place in our known solar system maybe even much more beyond that. Isn't that a little odd to you? Meaning what are the odds? You've somehow won the evolutionary lottery in existing as a human being in this portion of history in the place you are in right now.

We live brainwashed with the illusion that what we're experiencing is normal and mundane, because we don't know anything else, but it's NEVEN EVER been this way in the history of all of known anything! It's really pretty incredible.

What gives me great hope is the fact that what is taking place is far too complex and intelligent to be happening by chance. You might think you're too intelligent to buy into something so ignorant. But it's really the other way around. Study evolution a little bit and you'll find it's full of holes. There's a much more probable theory that explains DNA as a cosmic seed scattered throughout the universe that grows and advances as environments change (often as a result of living things in the environment). If you know anything about computer code, DNA is code. Instead of executing in a computer the code executes in nature amidst atoms and molecules. How did that code accidentally come to be? It's like thinking Mario Brother's accidentally came into existence. An intelligent acting agent created it. Or manipulated what was already there to tie it together. Study it a little bit.

The other thing that gives me hope is that when I pray...really hard, and really sincerely, pretty weird and miraculous things start happening...try it. There's something intelligent in the fabric of reality that knows who you are, what you're thinking, and what you're feeling and if you poke it hard enough, it pokes back.

It's all very strange. I wouldn't believe any of it, except for it's all happening in reality right now to me. I am so fascinated by existing. You just wake up here one day as a three year old and then thirty years later you realize no body has any idea what we are doing here. We're floating on a ball in outer space. None of us have a clue, we fight and argue and pretend to know. But we really don't know the first thing. Reality is so complex and intelligent and strange, but most of all real. I think it's critical that you wake up in our own skin one day and realize we don't know who we are, life is huge, reality is huge, there are clues all about us, and this is a timed test because one day you die. All so strange. You hope you figure it all out before the end, but it doesn't look like many ever have.

The more I learn about the truth, the more unbelievable the truth becomes. It's such an irony that what's actually real is so unbelievable. Why would reality be oriented this way? Why would it be friendly or favor us in any way whatsoever. It's terrifying to think about what is really true because why on earth would it be good? Why would it favor you? There's no reason for it to. But the strange thing is... that the truth really is favoring you. You at the top of the evolutionary chain in literally every category. What are the odds? It doesn't make any sense at all, but it's true. You can test it. Experiment, try it. We get so busy talking ourselves into all sorts of realities, that we never ever start to poke and prod the real one. An ounce of faith, out on a ledge. Reach out to see if there's something there, and it's so strange when in reality, it reaches back.

Nuclear Testing

This quick clip shows the history of nuclear explosions over the past century. If you ever wonder why everyone you know dies of cancer, this should definitely give you a clue.

I can't believe they let Alex Jones on the View...

They doesn't let them get a word in! I bet it will be a while before the mainstream media makes this mistake again.

Is the future bright?

Well it depends I guess. I don't think the future is set in stone. And I think the future will be bright for some and not so bright for others. I definitely don't think there's such thing as predetermination, meaning God called all the shots a long time ago and we're just playing out what's already been decided. In fact I think that was the Luciferian proposal. Old scratch promised us that he would make the future certain in exchange for our giving up our freedom to choose. Much like communism. Let us be in charge and we'll make sure you have everything you need. Though the future is not set, the quick and dirty version of my view of the future is a cynical one. I have great respect for the opinions of Joel Skousen, another Mormon. I think he's what we all wish Mitt Romney was. He is terribly realistic, and that is a quality that gets results. I think that his realism is inspiring. The truth is this...if things are ever going to change, really going to change, it has to be done in reality. We always have to start with and in reality. So I think Joel Skousen is terribly advanced in his thinking because he is so realistic. Reality is my religion. I worship reality. I rely on reality, I only believe in reality. If you are to have anything, do anything, be anything, it must be done, had, and been in reality. It's a pretty simple concept, but one that strikes at the heart of everything. I'm actually working on a book right now called Truth and Propoganda that is about this very simple concept. You see I think most people are to terrified to actually look at reality. We don't want to know the truth because what if the truth isn't good? There's a lot to say about this simple idea and the human experience. I'm not sure what the future will bring, but I like a lot of Joel Skousen's thoughts. They are not bright for all people, or most people really. Here's the quick and dirty: Joel believes World War III is coming with a surprise attack from China. In the aftermath, if us conspiracy theorists are prepared, we can gather and salvage a free republic. If you watch the most recent Infowars interview with Chuck Baldwin, you'll note that he ends the interview by discussing his plans to move to Montana. I think Joel has gotten to him as well. The current struggle is worth the struggle, but Skousen doesn't think we will be successful. He has some very compelling arguments for why not. However he believes, supported by a lot of history, that God will always throw good people a bone, and our bone will come after the nuclear holocaust if we are prepared. Not something I discuss with my children, or my wife for that matter, but I believe it's terribly realistic and horribly plausible. So I feel a little mixed about the current struggle. I don't think our struggle will be successful in turning the tide, but I get really angry about everything going on and feel like I need to do something, so I keep writing. Spouting to anyone I can get to listen to me. Spouting is plan A, but in reality, my money is on plan B.

A Warped Nation

Our Country has so perverted what it was meant to be. We have left our greatness. We have moved from our foundation. We have begun an idle worship of our exceptionalism. We are not exceptional. The same things that happened to others will also happen to us. We are youth that never believe they will get old. We are fools. Children with no experience. Our day is coming and it is coming quickly.

I Hate Conspiracy Theories

You know what, more than anything else in the entire world, I want life and the world to go on just as it has for the first 30 years of my life. I'm sick and tired of uncertainty, I'm sick and tired of bad news, I'm sick and tired of predicting the future. I have beautiful children. I've worked hard for a long time to have a promising future and I feel like I'm watching all of it get washed into the toilet without any signs of hope. I'm really getting fed up with it all. I'm not trying to focus on the negative. I don't like looking at the ugly any more than anybody else. I don't like the present circumstances, but that doesn't mean I can ignore them. Facts are facts. I didn't create them, they terrify me, I hate thinking about them, but they are not going away and each day I wake up and more and more all these stupid conspiracy theories are coming true. I wish Alex Jones was a salesman taking advantage of us all. I wish our country was really just run by a bunch of stupid politicians. I wish Al Queda was our greatest enemy, but more and more every day it seems like there's something really really bad going on and I just really don't see many solutions. I feel like we're all about to get run over by a train and all we can do is comment about it to one another and hope something miraculous happens before this loud roaring train we can see 50 yards down the track reaches us. I read Ishmael, or most of it once and there's this allegory about a person who wants to fly so he jumps off the highest cliff he can find and thinks he's flying, but all the while he's really just falling and hasn't hit the ground yet. We're like that guy. The last century has felt like a pretty good flight, except now we're close enough to see the ground rushing up at us and I think some people think if we ignore it enough or call it something else, what we think is about to happen won't.

Response to "Evolution - Organic Vs. Satanic"

Original article:

Howdy D, I read your other post on Infowars also. Good posts.

Transhumanism is an interesting enchilada. I think I've mentioned this before. I was reading a book by Ken Wilbur and I must say he probably is the type that drinks tea with Kurzweil, you'll note that I have a link to Kurzweil to the right on my blogpage. I'll explain later. Anyways Wilbur was talking about evolution and technology, and I think I mentioned this to you before, but he shared this analogy about monkeys and guns. This idea he shared actually opened me back up to the idea that there is in fact a God. You see there's so much space and so many planets, that statistically what's happening on our planet (meaning evolution, intelligence, technology, etc.) must be happening or has happened in a million other places. And likely all planetary evolution reaches a phase like ours where we begin to become so intelligent that technology explodes exponentially (to our detriment as we shall see). Then we're faced with this terrible predicament. We are so advanced that we become like a monkey with a gun. We have these geniuses like Einstein who are able to understand profound secrets or the universe and they unlock things like quantum mechanics which holds many beautiful truths, but also provides us with nuclear weapons. Here's the conundrum: A man like Einstein could be trusted with nuclear weapons, because he was as morally advanced as he was intellectually advanced. His advanced maturity made him morally mature enough to ensure that he would never use something as abominable as a nuclear weapon. The problem is the "monkeys" (people not as mature as Einstein) are left in possession with his "gun" or his intellectual achievements embodied in new technologies, but we are not left with his moral achievements, they are much more difficult to capture and pass on. So as technology continues to advance you end up inevitably with a few gun wielding monkeys running around, until eventually as you so astutely point out, some monkey blows us all up or even worse subjects us to slavery for the rest of who knows how long. But Wilbur's point was this. If advanced evolution always reaches this point, in order to continue evolving, or maybe I should say, in order for the status quo (i.e. human beings) to continue evolving, there comes a point where we have to find a solution to this problem. The obvious solution he points out is that morals must become as advanced as intellects and technology. Otherwise an evolving intelligent race is always faced with extinction. So he essentially gives a plug to old Moses claiming that it is essential for man to learn to follow an advanced moral code or otherwise we are, in archaic terms, damned to hell (as a species or civilization). Further, the holy grail, for Kurzweil, is technology that will give an intelligence eternal existence, or eternal life. It's all starting to loop back around and sound like religion. Perhaps there's someplace a race of beings with the ultimate "technology" who only grant it to people who've developed enough morally to not go on perpetuating an immoral reign of power shown by most intelligences who have power. It all quickly turns from science and futurism to the issues of old theology. It's interesting as well to note that Kurzweil likens technology to magic (more archaic superstition) in the introduction to his book, The The Singularity is Near. He states that Harry Potter, although perhaps in an obtuse Freudian way, is an allegory for what is taking place with technology. Very interesting how things loop back to old themes. Another interesting thing about Kurzweil is that he believes in an innate goodness in intelligence and that is why he cheerleads the Singularity. Or maybe he's getting kickbacks from the Rockefellers. But it raises the question of why some intelligences are good and other's are not? What makes some people good and others not. I think if i understand correctly Kurzweil seems to think it's all a function of intelligence and so the bad of the world are less intelligent and the good of the world are more intelligent to put it simply. So his assumption is that if something is more intelligent than humans it will also have more "innate goodness" I think. Meaning there's no reason to fear the computer gods of the future because they will be all loving. That may be terribly niave. As you mentioned in response to my last blog comment, what if that computer god becomes the next Lucifer? Of course we know there are in fact very intelligent people who have done very bad things. So I don't know that he's exactly correct in his logic. Anyway, very thought provoking.

As mentioned before I link Kurzweil on my blog. I also link Ken Wilbur. Ever since reading Wilbur I've been focused and interested in this idea of evolution of technology which of course leads directly to Kurzweil and friends. I make no supposition of whether Kurzweil is good or bad. I do agree that the possibilities are terrifying. But I link the both of them because I think they are discussing very relevant issues that we should all be more than casually aware of.

To continue running on, there is an interesting film series called Koyaanisquatsi (I'm not even going to pretend that's spelled correctly) that explores some of these idea. It's also the film that turned me on to conspiracy theories, mainly 911, in an indirect way.

Hope you are getting to see the northern lights. Conversations with you are never dull.


This guy is a fake troll...

Michael Moore Sues Weinstein Brothers For More Money From 9/11 Movie When He Already Pocketed $19.8 Million

Here's a great clip of this loser getting schooled. Greedy fool!


"A candidate must meet not only the Election Code's voter residency standard, but also must have actually resided within the municipality for one year prior to the election, a qualification that the candidate unquestionably does not satisfy," the court stated in the decision.

The future of entertainment...child porn?

Thanks MTV! The future of our nation appears bright. No one should be shocked that our entire society is rapidly spinning down the toilet when we see what is being fed to society as entertainment. It's stuff like this that destroys lives, families and countries. I'm sure there's a special place in hell for people that dream up and promote this filth. It's guaranteed that the depravity of our society will not end until the perverse way of life entertainment like this creates has consumed us. This really supports my earlier posts about the introduction and acceptance of pedophilia in our society. That appears to be the ultimate end of the gay marriage debate and the pornography industry (and maybe all liberal philosophy in general). Perversion of what it means to be human until everything in our society has become ugly, depraved, and we are consumed and destroyed by it. Makes me sick.

"MTV’s Naked Calculation Gone Bad"

I hate crazy left wing birthers! (under the bus he goes)

Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?


American Citizens are the Enemy...

If I remember correctly Hitler called the Jews terrorists as well before rounding them up. I'm sure Stalin did the same with secret arrests.

"Eric Holder warns of homegrown terror"

Lame. Terribly predictable.

"WikiLeaks sparks push for tighter controls.",un-mulls-internet-regulation-options.aspx

More Weirdness:

More weirdness: "The FBI caught another homegrown terrorist this week, except like many recent plots the agency has “uncovered,” the attack was a plant, a plan concocted by the FBI itself..."

Get a load of these doofuses...I have a theory about how as you get more famous you also become more crazy...

Why would you light a house full of bombs on fire?

Link: Demolition teams torch California "bomb house"

FOX News says a top terrorist is eating lunch at the Pentagon?!?

FOX News says a top terrorist is eating lunch at the Pentagon?!? You ever get the feeling maybe there something they're not telling us? All I know is this guy better watch his back if he's in Wal-Mart. If you can't trust your government who can you trust?

Big Sis Invades Wal-mart: ‘If You See Something, Say Something’

The borders are wide open, nukes could be brought in through our seaports, but at least we've neurtralized the terrorist threat in Wal-Mart. This chunky commi needs to go back to the Kremlin where she came from. There's lots of Al-Queda floating around Wal-Mart.

Mixing Totalitarianism with Economies of Scale

It just gets weirder and weirder around here... I will be the first to say
that in Citrus Heights California, everyone at Wal-Mart looks a little
suspicious...nazi lady.

Drudge Over the Edge? Site Now Linking to “Prison Planet” Stories

"Like millions of others, I’m a regular reader of the Drudge Report. It’s like having an alternative editor for the news..."

This doesn't have anything to do with anything...but it's funny.

Geraldo has joined the club!

Airport Security: Government in Our Pants

"When it comes to protecting against terrorism, this is how things usually go: A danger presents itself; the federal government responds with new rules that erode privacy, treat innocent people as suspicious and blur the distinction between life in a free society and life in a correctional facility;",0,3696372.column

What? Geraldo Rivera on Fox news thinks 911 was an inside job???

"Fed to buy $600 billion in bonds to boost economy" Washington Post

Central planning doesn't work. Ask Russia. Not impressed.

The Tip of the Climategate Iceberg

"The Wall Street Journal Europe writes that NASA and other major institutions have also withheld temperature data and modelling codes from the public."

The three most astounding lies of our time:

1. I did not have sex with that woman (Bill Clinton)
2. I invented the internet (Al Gore)
3. Carbon (what you exhale) causes global warming (Al Gore again)

Discrimination in the Education System

The government faculty at Harvard University consists of 50 faculty, only 3 of which are conservative. Sounds biased. What if you made the same statement and instead of conservative said three...women? blacks? Wouldn't you have a strong lawsuit on your hands?

The Lies of Global Warming

"To avoid systemic risks, we actually have to reward, at some level, bad behavior" Thomas Friedman (the Devil himself couldn't have said it better!)

The world will run out of food by 1890...

The bottom line on global warming...

Censorship of the internet...

"A group of powerful Senators -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- have signed onto a bill that would vastly expand the government's power to censor the Internet."

Pentagon Destroys Copies of Controversial Memoir Written by Army Officer

"The agency also attempted to block key portions of the book that claim
"Able Danger" successfully identified hijacker Mohammed Atta as a
threat to the United States before the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks."

Gun control is like "OSHA for burglers." - Thomas Sowell

Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate...

"Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health."


"It doesn't matter how smart you are unless you stop and think." -Thomas Sowell

So what do we do?

Not the answer we are hoping for, but deep down, there's a little voice inside us we keep trying to ignore that's told us this all along...

Just discovered Thomas Sowell. I love this guy.

Arnold “addicted” to power...Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saul, David...WHO WASN'T?!

Arnold Schwarzenegger is pulling no punches in his first formal interview since leaving office, claiming that the highest office in the state left him “addicted” to its power.

“The only big political office that really interests me is unreachable for me because I was born in Austria and therefore cannot become president.”

If we ever let this doofus into the Whitehouse we will have serious problems...

Mormon Perspective

I am a Mormon. This of course has a very weighted effect on my perspective of the world. However, this blog is not just for Mormons and I definitely do not pretend to speak for Mormons. I am a Mormon, but I'm also an American, a father, a student, an employee, a teacher, etc.. I hope that many Mormons do read this blog because I think some of the things aired are terribly important for our people to understand. I also hope that those of you who are not Mormon feel welcome. I invite comments and criticism from people of all walks of life. I hope that we all learn from one another on this blog. So please participate. Don't be shy about comments. The great thing about the internet is you may be able to say things that you wouldn't in a face to face conversation. That is not to say that respect is to be thrown out the window, but I hope that this is a place where thoughts can be freely shared.


"The constitution, on its own, does not provide the solution. Indeed, there is something infantile in the belief of the constitution-worshippers that the complex political arguments of today can be settled by simple fidelity to a document written in the 18th century." from The Economist


TIME TO USE THE PATRIOT ACT ON SOME CITIZENS, "Homegrown terrorists represent a new and changing facet of the terrorist threat." Napolitano said, "To be clear, by homegrown, I mean terrorist operatives who are U.S. persons, and who were radicalized in the United States."


“the average American worked 231 support government, which consumes 63.41 percent of national income.”

At least the Russians approve...

"Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin... offered
unusually warm words for the American leader[Obama] Monday, calling him a
'deep, profound person' whose 'sincerity is not in question.'"

The terrible truth:

" in general judge more by what they see than by what they feel. Everyone sees
what the prince seems to be, few know what he really is, and those few do not dare to oppose the opinion of the majority." -Machiavelli

A Republican who forgot to take his ritalin...

Anyone who's ever used google should be concerned about this...

Anti-Google campaign on privacy...


LINK: The private lives of young people are now so well documented on the internet that many will have to change their names on reaching adulthood, Google’s CEO has claimed...The 55-year-old also predicted that in the future, Google will know so much about its users that the search engine will be able to help them plan their lives.


Reinstating the Draft

“I have introduced legislation to REINSTATE THE DRAFT AND TO MAKE IT PERMANENT during time of war. It is H.R. 5741, and what this does is to make everyone between the ages of 18 and 42 – whether they’re men or women, whether they’re straight or gay – to have the opportunity to defend this great country whenever the president truly believes that our national security is threatened,” Rep Charles Rangel 7.15.2010

What Stalin and Hitler could only fantasize about...

LINK:Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring

Wow, great world we'll be leaving for our children.

"It’s not the very first time Google has done business with America’s spy agencies. Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the secret signals-intelligence group. In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google Earth. This appears to be the first time, however, that the intelligence community and Google have funded the same startup, at the same time. No one is accusing Google of directly collaborating with the CIA. But the investments are bound to be fodder for critics of Google, who already see the search giant as overly cozy with the U.S. government, and worry that the company is starting to forget its “don’t be evil” mantra"

Privacy is going the way of the dinosaur...

Google gathers an awful lot of your data... Schmidt says..."you're online all the time, computers are generating a lot of information about you. This is not a Google decision, this is a societal decision. In Britain, you all allow yourselves to be photographed on every street corner. Where are the riots?”

Doesn't sound good...

Politics and World News: Al Gore Sexual Assault Claims and Divorce

Military Industrial Complex

LINK: Defense Industry Consolidated Campaign Contributions to Congressmen and Senators, Ranked Greatest to Least. (111th Congress)

US backs UN resolution calling for nuclear-free Middle East that singles out Israel

Is there a club or something for people that can't stand Chris Matthews?


Obama becomes the first U.S. President to hold press conference without any American Flags present

Another reason to love the Fed...

You gotta love the Fed.

Ok, I'll shut up now.

What?! Ken Lay and Al Gore worked on Cap & Trade together?

Al Gore once again exposed as disingenuous fraud...

Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud / John Coleman

Tony Blair to Earn Millions as Climate Change Advisor

Mexico's Hypocrisy

USA TODAY "Mexican authorities have harshly criticized Arizona's SB1070, a law that requires local police to check the status of persons suspected of being illegal immigrants but in Mexico, illegal immigrants receive terrible treatment from corrupt Mexican authorities, say people involved in the system and Mexico has a law that is no different from Arizona's that empowers local police to check the immigration documents
of people suspected of not being in the country legally 'There (in the United States), they'll deport you,' Hector Vázquez, an illegal immigrant from Honduras, said as he rested in a makeshift camp with other migrants under a highway bridge in Tultitlán. 'In Mexico they'll probably let you go, but they'll beat you up and steal everything you've got first.' To discourage migrants from speaking out about abuse, Mexican authorities often tell detainees they will have to stay longer in detention centers if they file a complaint, Vertíz said."

Mike McClintok

One of the few worthwhile California politicians....


Scientific America says maybe there will be enough food...

Re: Rate of Dissent "Welcome to the Machine"

The interesting thing about evolution is that if things evolve they evolve everywhere in the universe. There are millions of stars and likely millions of habitable planets (why would ours be the only spec of dust in all this vast space that's habitable? We're not that special.). That would likely mean that this evolution to higher states of being that Kurzweil is always talking about has happened someplace else already (i.e. this super intelligence exists someplace already and perhaps understands most of everything). Starts to sound a bit like God. And maybe it's happened many places already? And perhaps the vast expanse of space is actually ruled and ordered by these monolithic intelligences. Even designed by them...

My News Addiction...

My news addiction isn't getting any better. I served a mission for my church for a period of two years. During that time I didn't do anything other than focus on scriptures, teaching, learning about people, and volunteer work. When I got home I had been checked out of the world for about 2 years. One of the first things I did was go to the magazine section of the library and flip through magazines for hours. I did this several times a week. Not reading through everything, but seeing what was being written about, what was in the news often and reading things that seemed most important. I would of course come up with questions and interests as I did so and I followed them. From this I decided a few things. First, i didn't want to go into psychology like I thought I had before (I had thought that the secret to life was understanding people & yourself). I also decided that I would finally learn what this politics stuff was all about. While I was on my mission, we invaded Iraq. Although I heard a lot about it from French Canadians who weren't fond of our Country, I hadn't really been able to follow it much. I decided I would learn about this political stuff. Understand the issues. I also decided that I wanted to learn about business (I decided that maybe the secret to life was understanding a the world, hence business). I guess more than anything I thought that I had the greatest chances of happiness in my life if I understood the world. So I kept reading the news. Magazines and magazines and magazines. I eventually discovered the stock market, Fox, and the Drudge Report. And I kept learning. I argued with people about politics as if I knew what I was talking about. I guess I still do. I know more than I did before, but I still really don't know that much. I eventually discovered the economist, started reading about history, watched and read a lot of Bill O'Reilly. I just couldn't get enough. I wanted to know about this big soap opera we call the world. There was so much information out there to feast on. I learned about computers, business, politics, people, history, etc.. I'm still trying to figure it all out and I am a news addict. I need information, up to date information. I need to understand. I have this love hate relationship. I love the excitement and the learning and the changes in my perception of the world, but I also hate it too. I've gradually found that the excitement, learning and changes in my perception always seemed to be somewhat negative. The world is a wonderful and terrible place. I believe in beauty and I see beauty in my life. But so often the news is horribly dismal. I think though that I keep up the addiction and quest, like many of the "truthers" out there because I also perhaps naively hope that some how some way the study and airing of all these evils will lead us to be wise and perhaps somehow avert the troubles yet to come.

Geraldo: US Opium Trade

What? we protect the opium trade?

CIA Opium Trade

KABUL, "Afghanistan — Ahmed Wali Karzai,the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected PLAYER IN THE COUNTRY'S BOOMING ILLEGAL OPIUM TRADE, GETS REGULAR PAYMENTS FROM THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, and has for much of the past eight years,
according to current and former American officials." NY TIMES 5/1/2010

Dick Morris: WACO

Wow, this is a sweet video...Dick Morris better be looking over his shoulder.

‎Link:"We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act, But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation."


Crashing the Tea Party

End of Privacy: Twitter

Every tweet ever posted on twitter has become archived public information searchable by Google. Hope you never said anything that you didn't want the whole world to know about.
Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% (Rasmussen, April 2010)
Good indication of our President's attitude towards transparency and freedom of speech.

Bailout 101

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Praise from Communist Junta!

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform "a miracle" and a major victory for Obama's presidency, but couldn't help chide the United States for taking so long to enact what communist Cuba achieved decades ago. Paul Haven, Associated Press Writer, On Thursday March 25, 2010, 12:39 pm EDT

If only Stalin could have seen it too!
Just watched health care pass. Nothing lasts forever I guess, not even America...our founding fathers are sick I'm sure.Ironic that it was passed on a Sunday. (Written 3/21/2010)
The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars

Great Video on Obamacare

Faith in Science

From an article in the environment section of the NYT today (3/3/2010): "Two universities are investigating the work of top climate scientists to determine whether they have violated academic standards and undermined faith in science."

Faith in science? I've heard of faith in religion. It's interesting that that is the magic ingredient to understanding global warming is faith?

Ron Paul at CPAC 2010

Obama's Big Sellout

Sorry Mitt, you're too phony!

‎"Rep. Ron Paul, hero of a fervant band of libertarians, unexpectedly won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference today, claiming 31% of the votes cast." USA TODAY 2/20/2010. Sorry Mitt, you're too phony!

Ron Paul: Current Conditions or Just a Bad Dream?

LINK: Climategate for Dummies
LINK: California enacts 725 new laws...