Nature Vs. Nurture, It Doesn't Matter

A big question these days is whether or not it's discrimination to allow someone to do something they have an inborn desire to do. Some people think the question about homosexuality is about whether or not it's inherited or learned (meaning chosen). It doesn't matter. Some people think that people discriminate against gays because they don't allow them to do what their inborn desires ask them to do.

We all have inborn desires and tendencies that we are not allowed to act on.

Let me ask this question, is a pedophile born that way? Or is that a learned behavior?

Does the answer make any difference in what a pedophile is given the right to do?

If pedophilia is inborn should it be allowed?

No, because a child is not a consenting adult.

What if a child consents? What if a child's parent consents?

These might seem like stupid ugly questions, but it brings us to the heart of the matter.

Should pedophilia be allowed if a child consents to it?

No because as mentioned before a child is not a consenting ADULT.

Should pedophilia be allowed if a child's parent consents to it?

No, parents shouldn't be able to impose that on their children.

Should pedophilia be allowed if both the child and the parent consent to it?

Is your answer yes? It should be based on the gay communities logic.

Unless there really are such things as morals, and what you do sexually does matter.

The gay community would have us think it doesn't matter. And if that's true you would have to allow a pedophile to have sexual relations with a child if both the child and the child's parents consent.

If that makes you cringe, then that means one of two things.

Your a hateful bigot who discriminates.

Or it's evidence that sexual morality does matter.

We've become debased and desensitized.

Perhaps in another twenty years you won't cringe at such an idea as a pedophile being able to legally have sexual relations with a child because you will be even more debased and desensitized.

The gay community would have you think you're not becoming debased you're becoming accepting.

There's a difference between being tolerant and becoming debased. A lot of people these days think you're old fashioned and superstitious if you think that.

Separation Between Church and State

The separation between church and state has become a bit skewed. It means that the state and church will not become one. It means that the church cannot dictate or interfere with your religion (beliefs). Nor can a church become the civil governing authority.

Some spin it to mean that if you have beliefs you're not allowed to vote in a manner congruent with them.

Some spin it to mean separation of church and the United States. Church has no place in our Country.

If anyone reads writings of the founders of the Constitution they will see how misguided this is. Our nations founders were pious men and felt that our form of government would only be appropriate for a religious people who could govern themselves aided by their religion making it thus appropriate to have minimal intervention by the state. Our form of government would never suffice by an irresponsible or irreligious people.

Thankfully, since we no longer subscribe to religion, our children have been taught ethics by MTV, otherwise our country would probably be falling apart at the seems right now.

Even Atheists Are Religious

Because n0 man knows all things, many things are left to belief and speculation. Belief and speculation are the heart of religion. Everyone is religious. Everyone claims what they speculate is the true nature of reality. Whether your belief is that God is real or God is not, they are both beliefs.

20,000 Troops, We are the enemy

"There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army." --Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, 1789. ME 7:323

"I do not like [in the new Federal Constitution] the omission of a Bill of Rights providing clearly and without the aid of sophisms for... protection against standing armies." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1787. ME 6:387

I guess we should of put it into the constitution while we still could.

Don't be confused these troops are to keep you and me in line. The label terrorist can will be applied to anyone and everyone if needs be.

Competition in the Family

Where does competition in the family come from? Anyone who has a family knows what I am referring to. We always are struggling for recognition among one another. How come? I'm interested in comments.

What's the difference between a communist and a Socialist?

Please enlighten me. The most obnoxious thing in the world is when people want to let you know there's a difference. So, I'm going to do a little research project here and explain the differences.

Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.[1][2] Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth-century working class political movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.[3][4]

Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general.[1][2][3] Karl Marx posited that communism would be the final stage in human society, evolving into a classless, stateless society of "pure communism".

So if you read this carefully, they are different means to the same end, different shades of the same color.

"Communism seeks centralization of power by revolution and socialism seeks centralization of power by evolution." That's a great way to explain it.

Judging Your Leaders

I read this this morning in The Prince. Not to be confused with The Little Prince.

"To be a great liar and dissimulator is of primary importance because many men are simpleminded and allow themselves to be easily deceived. Alexander VI did nothing but deceive everyone during his whole life, and yet he succeeded in everything, for he was well acquainted with this aspect of life. Therefore it is not necessary to have all the good qualities mentioned above, but it is highly necessary that the prince appear to have them: for instance to seem to be pitiful, faithful, human, religious, at the same time being ready and knowing how to change to the contrary when it is convenient to do so. "

"In order to maintain his state, a prince is often obliged to act against faith, charity, humanity, and religion, but when he is seen and heard he should appear infused with all these good qualities since men in general judge more by they they see than by what they feel. Everyone sees what the prince seems to be, few know what he really is, and those few do not dare to oppose the opinion of the majority. "

Barak Is a Communist

Barak Obama is a communist. He believes in central planning. He subscribes to the philosophies of Karl Marx. I think we've forgotten how big of a deal that is. It looks like the Cold War has finally been won.

Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet.

I quote "The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty." (Sixty-first Semiannual General Conference of the Church, Monday, October 6, 1890, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reported in Deseret Evening News, October 11, 1890, p. 2.) That's President Wilford Woodruff in the Doctrine and Covenants. Here's the link. If the Church is true Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet. There's no "the Church is true, but maybe the Prophet is not, or he's corrupted". The Church is true or it's not. That's it. So any conspiracy or idea that says Thomas Monson is not the Prophet could only be true if your position is that the Church isn't true at all to begin with.

P.S. The church is true. You can ask God.

Prop 8

This is a great article. This is a gay woman who used to be Mormon protesting Mormon family values and at the same time talking about how great her Mormon family is. She sounds a little conflicted. I'm not sure if she realizes how contradictory that is.

"I can't believe that a religious group that preaches truth and love is asking their members to campaign and donate to take away my civil rights," said Jill Shearer, 40, of Oakland. Shearer grew up in San Ramon and was raised Mormon. When she came out as a lesbian, she said her family still kept her close.

"My family decided that they loved me and I was worth more than any religious dogma," said Shearer, who was at the temple a month ago for her father's funeral. "I have an awesome family."

Here's the link.

Awesome Mormon families are a direct result of their religious dogma.

I come from a Mormon family and we were the most tolerant accepting people on the block. Prop 8 doesn't have as much to do with us not allowing Gays to have their lifestyle. It has more to do with protecting our lifestyle. Marriage has been marriage for centuries, millenia. Let's leave it what it is. The scary thing about this is that once we start redefining family, the very existence of the family is in jeopardy. Before we know it we'll all be children of the state. No parents, no children, no husbands no wives. We're just lucky children of the state.

Mormons know a little bit about the definition of marriage. What's fair and what's not. My great great grandfather was a polygamist like many mormons at the time. He had two wives and children by both. Might sound radical. But if you think gay is normal and dare to call another lifestyle (polygamy) weird, you're a hypocrite. The United States Government put him in prison for six months and annulled one of his marriages. We understand very well what it means to not have marriage tolerated. We are not about intolerance. We are about preserving the right to worship and raise our children as we see fit. Which will probably be infringed upon if Prop 8 does not pass.