Nature Vs. Nurture, It Doesn't Matter

A big question these days is whether or not it's discrimination to allow someone to do something they have an inborn desire to do. Some people think the question about homosexuality is about whether or not it's inherited or learned (meaning chosen). It doesn't matter. Some people think that people discriminate against gays because they don't allow them to do what their inborn desires ask them to do.

We all have inborn desires and tendencies that we are not allowed to act on.

Let me ask this question, is a pedophile born that way? Or is that a learned behavior?

Does the answer make any difference in what a pedophile is given the right to do?

If pedophilia is inborn should it be allowed?

No, because a child is not a consenting adult.

What if a child consents? What if a child's parent consents?

These might seem like stupid ugly questions, but it brings us to the heart of the matter.

Should pedophilia be allowed if a child consents to it?

No because as mentioned before a child is not a consenting ADULT.

Should pedophilia be allowed if a child's parent consents to it?

No, parents shouldn't be able to impose that on their children.

Should pedophilia be allowed if both the child and the parent consent to it?

Is your answer yes? It should be based on the gay communities logic.

Unless there really are such things as morals, and what you do sexually does matter.

The gay community would have us think it doesn't matter. And if that's true you would have to allow a pedophile to have sexual relations with a child if both the child and the child's parents consent.

If that makes you cringe, then that means one of two things.

Your a hateful bigot who discriminates.

Or it's evidence that sexual morality does matter.

We've become debased and desensitized.

Perhaps in another twenty years you won't cringe at such an idea as a pedophile being able to legally have sexual relations with a child because you will be even more debased and desensitized.

The gay community would have you think you're not becoming debased you're becoming accepting.

There's a difference between being tolerant and becoming debased. A lot of people these days think you're old fashioned and superstitious if you think that.

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