I'm really into Ann Coulter lately. Don't know how she gels with some of the other things I believe to be true, but I find her very interesting because I think she's sincere and she seems to really be well thought out. She's famous for being offensive, but if you watch her much you realize that she doesn't necessarily seek to offend but rather isn't afraid of facing head on the emotional side of arguments that keep people from looking at the real issues. I really really like her comments about gays and conservatives beginning at 18:30 in the clip below. I know a lot of gay people, and there's I've always been a good friend to them. But since gay marriage was brought up suddenly gays hate everyone that's not a democrat, especially Christians and even more so Mormons...So I'm public enemy number one all of a sudden, and I'm the most unbigoted unbiased person around in my opinion. She has some interesting insights...