Barak Is a Communist
Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet.
P.S. The church is true. You can ask God.
Prop 8
"I can't believe that a religious group that preaches truth and love is asking their members to campaign and donate to take away my civil rights," said Jill Shearer, 40, of Oakland. Shearer grew up in San Ramon and was raised Mormon. When she came out as a lesbian, she said her family still kept her close.
"My family decided that they loved me and I was worth more than any religious dogma," said Shearer, who was at the temple a month ago for her father's funeral. "I have an awesome family."
Here's the link.
Awesome Mormon families are a direct result of their religious dogma.
I come from a Mormon family and we were the most tolerant accepting people on the block. Prop 8 doesn't have as much to do with us not allowing Gays to have their lifestyle. It has more to do with protecting our lifestyle. Marriage has been marriage for centuries, millenia. Let's leave it what it is. The scary thing about this is that once we start redefining family, the very existence of the family is in jeopardy. Before we know it we'll all be children of the state. No parents, no children, no husbands no wives. We're just lucky children of the state.
Mormons know a little bit about the definition of marriage. What's fair and what's not. My great great grandfather was a polygamist like many mormons at the time. He had two wives and children by both. Might sound radical. But if you think gay is normal and dare to call another lifestyle (polygamy) weird, you're a hypocrite. The United States Government put him in prison for six months and annulled one of his marriages. We understand very well what it means to not have marriage tolerated. We are not about intolerance. We are about preserving the right to worship and raise our children as we see fit. Which will probably be infringed upon if Prop 8 does not pass.